单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计(Accounting)
- 会计 (包括预科)(Accounting (including Foundation Year))
- 会计 (包括安置年)(Accounting (Including Placement Year))
- 会计 (国外包括一年)(Accounting (Including Year Abroad))
- 会计与金融 (包括安置年)(Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year))
- 会计和管理 (包括安置年)(Accounting and Management (Including Placement Year))
- 表演(Acting)
- 表演 (国际)(Acting (International))
- 表演和社区剧院(Acting and Community Theatre)
- 表演和战斗阶段(Acting and Stage Combat)
- 精算科学(Actuarial Science)
- 精算科学 (包括安置年)(Actuarial Science (Including Placement Year))
- 精算科学 (包括年国外)(Actuarial Science (Including Year Abroad))
- 美国 (美国) 研究 (国外包括一年)(American (United States) Studies (Including Year Abroad))
- 美国 (美国) 研究 (与海外学习一学期)(American (United States) Studies (with a term abroad))
- 美国历史(American History)
- 美国历史 (包括预科)(American History (including Foundation Year))
- 美国历史 (国外包括一年)(American History (Including Year Abroad))
- 艺术史(Art History)
- 艺术史 (包括预科)(Art History (Including Foundation Year))
- 艺术史 (包括年国外)(Art History (including year abroad))
- 艺术史与历史 (包括年国外)(Art History and History (including year abroad))
- 艺术史和现代语言(Art History and Modern Languages)
- 艺术史与现代语言(Art History with Modern Languages)
- 银行与金融(Banking and Finance)
- 银行和金融 (包括安置年)(Banking and Finance (including placement year))
- 银行及金融业 (包括年国外)(Banking and Finance (Including Year Abroad))
- 银行和金融与现代语言(Banking and Finance with a Modern Language)
- 银行、 金融和现代语言(Banking, Finance and Modern Languages)
- 生物化学(Biochemistry)
- 生物化学 (包括国外一年)(Biochemistry (including a year abroad))
- 生物化学 (包括安置年)(Biochemistry (Including Placement Year))
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences)
- 生物科学 (包括安置年)(Biological Sciences (Including Placement Year))
- 生物科学 (包括年国外)(Biological Sciences (Including Year Abroad))
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Science)
- 生物医学科学 (包括安置年)(Biomedical Science (Including Placement Year))
- 生物医学科学 (包括年国外)(Biomedical Science (including year abroad))
- 商务(会计、 金融和管理国际文凭)(Business (Accounting, Finance and Management International Diploma))
- 工商管理(Business Administration)
- 工商管理 (包括安置年)(Business Administration (Including Placement Year))
- 工商管理 (包括年国外)(Business Administration (Including Year Abroad))
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商务管理 (包括预科)(Business Management (including Foundation Year))
- 商务管理 (包括安置年)(Business Management (Including Placement Year))
- 企业管理(包括国外一年)(Business Management (Including Year Abroad))
- 商业管理与现代语言(Business Management and Modern Languages)
- 商务管理与现代语言(Business Management with a Modern Language)
- 电脑游戏(Computer Games)
- 电脑游戏 (包括安置年)(Computer Games (including placement year))
- 电脑游戏 (国外包括一年)(Computer Games (Including Year Abroad))
- 计算机网络(Computer Networks)
- 计算机网络 (包括安置年)(Computer Networks (including placement year))
- 计算机网络 (国外包括一年)(Computer Networks (Including Year Abroad))
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机科学 (包括预科)(Computer Science (including foundation year))
- 计算机科学 (包括安置年)(Computer Science (including placement year))
- 计算机科学 (包括年国外)(Computer Science (Including Year Abroad))
- 计算机科学 (综合硕士)(Computer Science (Integrated Masters))
- 计算机科学 (综合大师,包括放置一年)(Computer Science (Integrated Masters, including placement year))
- 计算机系统工程(Computer Systems Engineering)
- 计算机系统工程 (包括安置年)(Computer Systems Engineering (including placement year))
- 计算机系统工程 (国外包括一年)(Computer Systems Engineering (Including Year Abroad))
- 与电子计算机(Computers with Electronics)
- 计算机与电子设备 (包括预科)(Computers with Electronics (including Foundation Year))
- 计算机与电子 (包括安置年)(Computers with Electronics (including placement year))
- 电子计算机(包括国外一年)(Computers with Electronics (Including Year Abroad))
- 创意写作(Creative Writing)
- 创意写作 (国外包括一年)(Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad))
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 犯罪学 (包括预科)(Criminology (including foundation year))
- 犯罪学 (包括安置年)(Criminology (Including Placement Year))
- 犯罪学 (国外包括一年)(Criminology (Including Year Abroad))
- 犯罪学与美国 (美国) 研究 (国外包括一年)(Criminology and American (United States) Studies (Including Year Abroad))
- 犯罪学与美国 (美国) 研究 (国外的期限)(Criminology and American (United States) Studies (term abroad))
- 社会心理学与犯罪学(Criminology with Social Psychology)
- 犯罪学与社会心理学 (包括安置年)(Criminology with Social Psychology (Including Placement Year))
- 犯罪学与社会心理学 (国外包括一年)(Criminology with Social Psychology (Including Year Abroad))
- 医药研究(Curatorial Studies)
- 策展人研究 (国外包括一年)(Curatorial Studies (Including Year Abroad))
- 数据科学和分析(Data Science and Analytics)
- 数据科学和分析 (包括预科)(Data Science and Analytics (Including Foundation Year))
- 数据科学和分析 (包括安置年)(Data Science and Analytics (Including Placement Year))
- 数据科学和分析 (包括年国外)(Data Science and Analytics (Including Year Abroad))
- 戏剧(Drama)
- 戏剧 (国外包括一年)(Drama (Including Year Abroad))
- 戏剧和文学(Drama and Literature)
- 戏剧和文学 (国外包括一年)(Drama and Literature (Including Year Abroad))
- 公共政策的经济分析(Economic Analysis for Public Policy)
- 公共政策 (包括安置年) 的经济分析(Economic Analysis for Public Policy (Including Placement Year))
- 公共政策 (国外包括一年) 的经济分析(Economic Analysis for Public Policy (Including Year Abroad))
- 经济学(Economics)
- 经济学 (包括预科)(Economics (including Foundation Year))
- 经济学 (包括安置年)(Economics (including placement year))
- 经济学 (国外包括一年)(Economics (Including Year Abroad))
- 经济学和数学(Economics and Mathematics)
- 经济学和数学 (国外包括一年)(Economics and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad))
- 经济学和政治学(Economics and Politics)
- 经济学和政治学 (包括安置年)(Economics and Politics (Including Placement Year))
- 经济学和政治学 (国外包括一年)(Economics and Politics (Including Year Abroad))
- 经济学与法语(Economics with French)
- 经济学与法语 (国外包括一年)(Economics with French (Including Year Abroad))
- 与德国经济学(Economics with German)
- 经济学与德国 (国外包括一年)(Economics with German (Including Year Abroad))
- 经济学与意大利(Economics with Italian)
- 经济学与意大利 (国外包括一年)(Economics with Italian (Including Year Abroad))
- 数学与经济学(Economics with Mathematics)
- 经济学与数学 (包括年国外)(Economics with Mathematics (including year abroad))
- 经济学与葡萄牙语(Economics with Portuguese)
- 经济学与葡萄牙语 (国外包括一年)(Economics with Portuguese (Including Year Abroad))
- 经济学与西班牙(Economics with Spanish)
- 经济学与西班牙 (国外包括一年)(Economics with Spanish (Including Year Abroad))
- 选举、 公众舆论和缔约方(Elections, Public Opinion and Parties)
- 选举、 公众舆论和各方 (包括安置年)(Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (Including Placement Year))
- 选举、 公众舆论和各方 (包括年国外)(Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (Including Year Abroad))
- 电子工程(Electronic Engineering)
- 电子工程 (四年制综合硕士)(Electronic Engineering (four-year integrated masters))
- 电子工程 (包括预科)(Electronic Engineering (Including Foundation Year))
- 电子工程 (包括安置年)(Electronic Engineering (including placement year))
- 电子工程 (国外包括一年)(Electronic Engineering (Including Year Abroad))
- 电子工程 (综合的大师,包括放置一年)(Electronic Engineering (integrated Master's, including placement year))
- 英语与法国法律 (与结业大师 1)(English & French Laws (with Maitrise Masters 1))
- 英语与美国文学(English & United States Literature)
- 英语与美国文学 (国外包括一年)(English and United States Literature (Including Year Abroad))
- 英语语言(English Language)
- 英语语言 (包括年国外)(English Language (Including Year Abroad))
- 英语语言和历史(English Language and History)
- 英语语言和历史 (国外包括一年)(English Language and History (Including Year Abroad))
- 英语语言与语言学(English Language and Linguistics)
- 英语语言和语言学 (国外包括一年)(English Language and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad))
- 英语语言与文学(English Language and Literature)
- 英语语言与文学 (国外包括一年)(English Language and Literature (Including Year Abroad))
- 英语语言和英语作为外语教学(English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
- 英语语言与英语教学作为一门外语 (国外包括一年)(English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Including Year Abroad))
- 英语语言、 语言习得和语言障碍(English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders)
- 英语语言、 语言习得和语言障碍 (公司年国外)(English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders (Inc Yr Abroad))
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 英国文学 (包括预科)(English Literature (including Foundation Year))
- 英国文学 (国外包括一年)(English Literature (Including Year Abroad))
- 欧洲研究(European Studies)
- 欧洲研究和现代语言(European Studies and Modern Languages)
- 法国与欧洲研究(European Studies with French)
- 德国与欧洲研究(European Studies with German)
- 意大利与欧洲研究(European Studies with Italian)
- 欧洲研究与政治(European Studies with Politics)
- 西班牙与欧洲研究(European Studies with Spanish)
- 电影与创意写作(Film and Creative Writing)
- 电影与创意写作 (国外包括一年)(Film and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad))
- 电影研究(Film Studies)
- 电影研究 (国外包括一年)(Film Studies (Including Year Abroad))
- 电影学和艺术史(Film Studies and Art History)
- 电影研究和艺术史 (包括年国外)(Film Studies and Art History (including Year Abroad))
- 电影学和文学(Film Studies and Literature)
- 电影学和文学 (国外包括一年)(Film Studies and Literature (Including Year Abroad))
- 财务(Finance)
- 金融 (包括预科)(Finance (Including Foundation Year))
- 金融 (包括安置年)(Finance (Including Placement Year))
- 金融 (包括年国外)(Finance (Including Year Abroad))
- 金融和数学(Finance and Mathematics)
- 金融和数学 (国外包括一年)(Finance and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad))
- 金融和现代语言(Finance and Modern Languages)
- 金融与现代语言(Finance with a Modern Language)
- 融资与普通话 (国外一年)(Finance with Mandarin (with year abroad))
- 金融经济学(Financial Economics)
- 金融经济学 (包括预科)(Financial Economics (Including Foundation Year))
- 金融经济学 (包括安置年)(Financial Economics (Including Placement Year))
- 金融经济学 (国外包括一年)(Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad))
- 金融经济学和会计学(Financial Economics and Accounting)
- 金融经济学和会计学 (国外包括一年)(Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Year Abroad))
- 财务管理(Financial Management)
- 财务管理 (包括预科)(Financial Management (Including Foundation Year))
- 财务管理 (包括安置年)(Financial Management (Including Placement Year))
- 财务管理 (包括年国外)(Financial Management (Including Year Abroad))
- 法国研究与现代语言(French Studies and Modern Languages)
- 遗传学(Genetics)
- 遗传学 (包括安置年)(Genetics (Including Placement Year))
- 遗传学 (国外包括一年)(Genetics (Including Year Abroad))
- 德国研究与现代语言(German Studies and Modern Languages)
- 全球史(Global History)
- 全球史 (国外包括一年)(Global History (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史(History)
- 历史 (包括预科)(History (Including Foundation Year))
- 历史 (国外包括一年)(History (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史与犯罪学(History and Criminology)
- 历史和犯罪学 (国外包括一年)(History and Criminology (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史和经济学(History and Economics)
- 历史和经济学 (国外包括一年)(History and Economics (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史和电影研究(History and Film Studies)
- 历史和电影研究 (国外包括一年)(History and Film Studies (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史和文学(History and Literature)
- 历史和文学作品 (包括预科)(History and Literature (Including Foundation Year))
- 历史和文学作品 (包括年国外)(History and Literature (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史与社会学(History and Sociology)
- 历史与社会学 (国外包括一年)(History and Sociology (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史与电影研究(History with Film Studies)
- 历史与电影研究 (国外包括一年)(History with Film Studies (Including Year Abroad))
- 历史与人权(History with Human Rights)
- 历史与人权 (包括年国外)(History with Human Rights (including year abroad))
- 历史与现代语言(History with Modern Languages)
- 信息和通信技术(Information and Communication Technology)
- 信息和通信技术 (包括安置年)(Information and Communication Technology (including placement year))
- 信息和通信技术 (包括年国外)(Information and Communication Technology (Including Year Abroad))
- 国际企业和创业精神(International Business and Entrepreneurship)
- 国际商务与企业家精神 (包括安置年)(International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Placement Year))
- 国际企业和创业精神 (国外包括一年)(International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Year Abroad))
- 国际经济学(International Economics)
- 国际经济学 (包括预科)(International Economics (Including Foundation Year))
- 国际经济学 (包括安置年)(International Economics (Including Placement Year))
- 国际经济学 (国外包括一年)(International Economics (Including Year Abroad))
- 国际关系(International Relations)
- 国际关系 (包括预科)(International Relations (including foundation year))
- 国际关系 (包括安置年)(International Relations (Including Placement Year))
- 国际关系 (包括年国外)(International Relations (Including Year Abroad))
- 国际关系与现代语言(International Relations and Modern Languages)
- 意大利研究与现代语言(Italian Studies and Modern Languages)
- 语言研究(Language Studies)
- 拉丁美洲研究 (四年的课程,一年在拉丁美洲)(Latin American Studies (four year course, with a year in Latin America))
- 拉丁美洲研究与企业管理 (一年在拉丁美洲)(Latin American Studies with Business Management (with a year in Latin America))
- 拉丁美洲研究与人权 (4 年,一年在拉丁美洲)(Latin American Studies with Human Rights (4 years, with a year in Latin America))
- 法律(Law)
- 法律 (包括预科)(Law (including foundation year))
- 法律 (包括安置年)(Law (including placement year))
- 法律 (高级地位)(Law (Senior Status))
- 法律与人权(Law with Human Rights)
- 法律与人权包括年国外(Law with Human Rights including a Year Abroad)
- 法律与人权包括安置年(Law with Human Rights including Placement Year)
- 法律与哲学(Law with Philosophy)
- 法律与哲学包括安置年(Law with Philosophy including Placement Year)
- 法律与哲学包括年国外(Law with Philosophy including Year Abroad)
- 法律与政治(Law with Politics)
- 法律与政治包括安置年(Law with Politics including Placement Year)
- 法律与政治年国外包括(Law with Politics including Year Abroad)
- 法律 (国外包括一年)(Laws (Including Year Abroad))
- 文科(Liberal Arts)
- 文科 (包括预科)(Liberal Arts (Including Foundation Year))
- 文科 (国外包括一年)(Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad))
- 语言学(Linguistics)
- 语言学 (国外包括一年)(Linguistics (Including Year Abroad))
- 语言学、 社会学(Linguistics and Sociology)
- 语言学、 社会学 (包括年国外)(Linguistics and Sociology (including year abroad))
- 文学与艺术史研究所(Literature and Art History)
- 文学和艺术史 (包括预科)(Literature and Art History (Including Foundation Year))
- 文学和艺术史 (包括年国外)(Literature and Art History (including Year Abroad))
- 现代语言和文学(Literature and Modern Languages)
- 文学和社会学(Literature and Sociology)
- 文学和社会学 (国外包括一年)(Literature and Sociology (Including Year Abroad))
- 现代语言与文学(Literature with Modern Languages)
- 管理和市场营销(Management and Marketing)
- 管理和市场营销 (国外包括一年)(Management and Marketing (Including Year Abroad))
- 管理和市场营销 (与基于工作安置)(Management and Marketing (with Work-Based Placement))
- 管理经济学(Management Economics)
- 管理经济学 (包括预科)(Management Economics (Including Foundation Year))
- 管理经济学 (包括安置年)(Management Economics (Including Placement Year))
- 管理经济学 (国外包括一年)(Management Economics (Including Year Abroad))
- 管理与普通话 (国外一年)(Management with Mandarin (with year abroad))
- 海洋生物学(Marine Biology)
- 海洋生物学 (包括安置年)(Marine Biology (Including Placement Year))
- 海洋生物学 (国外包括一年)(Marine Biology (Including Year Abroad))
- 海洋生物学 (综合硕士)(Marine Biology (Integrated Masters))
- 市场营销(Marketing)
- 市场营销 (包括安置年)(Marketing (Including Placement Year))
- 市场营销 (包括年国外)(Marketing (Including Year Abroad))
- 数学(Mathematics)
- 数学 (包括安置年)(Mathematics (Including Placement Year))
- 数学 (国外包括一年)(Mathematics (Including Year Abroad))
- 数学与统计(Mathematics and Statistics)
- 数学与统计 (包括安置年)(Mathematics and Statistics (including placement year))
- 数学和统计数据 (包括年度国外)(Mathematics and Statistics (Including Year Abroad))
- 数学与计算(Mathematics with Computing)
- 数学与计算 (包括安置年)(Mathematics with Computing (Including Placement Year))
- 数学与计算 (包括年国外)(Mathematics with Computing (Including Year Abroad))
- 数学与物理学(Mathematics with Physics)
- 数学与物理学 (国外包括一年)(Mathematics with Physics (Including Year Abroad))
- 媒体、 文化和社会(Media, Culture and Society)
- 媒体、 文化和社会 (包括预科)(Media, Culture and Society (including foundation year))
- 媒体、 文化和社会 (包括安置年)(Media, Culture and Society (Including Placement Year))
- 媒体、 文化和社会 (包括年国外)(Media, Culture and Society (Including Year Abroad))
- 现代历史(Modern History)
- 现代历史 (包括预科)(Modern History (Including Foundation Year))
- 现代历史 (国外包括一年)(Modern History (Including Year Abroad))
- 现代历史和国际关系(Modern History and International Relations)
- 现代历史和国际关系 (包括年国外)(Modern History and International Relations (Including Year Abroad))
- 现代历史和政治(Modern History and Politics)
- 现代历史和政治 (国外包括一年)(Modern History and Politics (Including Year Abroad))
- 现代语言(Modern Languages)
- 现代语言和英语语言(Modern Languages and English Language)
- 现代语言和语言学(Modern Languages and Linguistics)
- 现代语言和英语作为外语教学(Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
- 现代语言与电影制作和编辑技能(Modern Languages with Film Production and Editing Skills)
- 现代语言与拉丁美洲研究 (包括在拉丁美洲的一年)(Modern Languages with Latin American Studies (including a year in Latin America))
- 多媒体新闻(Multimedia Journalism)
- 护理 (成人)(Nursing (Adult))
- 护理 (精神健康)(Nursing (Mental Health))
- 口腔健康科学(Oral Health Sciences)
- 口腔健康科学 (高级)(Oral Health Sciences (Top-Up))
- 哲学(Philosophy)
- 哲学 (包括预科)(Philosophy (Including Foundation Year))
- 哲学 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy (Including Year Abroad))
- 哲学与艺术史研究所(Philosophy and Art History)
- 哲学和艺术史 (包括年国外)(Philosophy and Art History (including year abroad))
- 哲学和历史(Philosophy and History)
- 哲学和历史 (包括预科)(Philosophy and History (Including Foundation Year))
- 哲学和历史 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy and History (Including Year Abroad))
- 哲学和法律(Philosophy and Law)
- 哲学和法学 (国外含一年)(Philosophy and Law (Including Year Abroad))
- 哲学和文学(Philosophy and Literature)
- 哲学、 文学 (包括预科)(Philosophy and Literature (Including Foundation Year))
- 哲学与文学 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy and Literature (Including Year Abroad))
- 哲学与现代语言(Philosophy and Modern Languages)
- 哲学与政治(Philosophy and Politics)
- 哲学与政治 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy and Politics (Including Year Abroad))
- 哲学和社会学(Philosophy and Sociology)
- 哲学和社会学 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy and Sociology (Including Year Abroad))
- 哲学与人权(Philosophy with Human Rights)
- 哲学与人权 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad))
- 用现代语言哲学(Philosophy with Modern Languages)
- 哲学、 政治学和经济学(Philosophy, Politics and Economics)
- 哲学、 政治学和经济学 (包括安置年)(Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Placement Year))
- 哲学、 政治学和经济学 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Year Abroad))
- 哲学、 宗教和伦理(Philosophy, Religion and Ethics)
- 哲学、 宗教和伦理 (国外包括一年)(Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Year Abroad))
- 体育剧院(Physical Theatre)
- 政治经济学(Political Economics)
- 政治经济学 (包括安置年)(Political Economics (Including Placement Year))
- 政治经济学 (国外包括一年)(Political Economics (Including Year Abroad))
- 政治理论和公共政策(Political Theory and Public Policy)
- 政治理论和公共政策 (包括安置年)(Political Theory and Public Policy (Including Placement Year))
- 政治理论和公共政策 (包括年国外)(Political Theory and Public Policy (Including Year Abroad))
- 政治(Politics)
- 政治 (包括预科)(Politics (including foundation year))
- 政治 (包括安置年)(Politics (Including Placement Year))
- 政治 (包括年国外)(Politics (Including Year Abroad))
- 政治和现代语言(Politics and Modern Languages)
- 政治与人权(Politics with Human Rights)
- 政治与人权 (包括安置年)(Politics with Human Rights (Including Placement Year))
- 政治与人权 (国外包括一年)(Politics with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad))
- 葡萄牙研究与现代语言(Portuguese Studies and Modern Languages)
- 精神分析的研究(Psychoanalytic Studies)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 心理学 (国外包括一年)(Psychology (Including Year Abroad))
- 心理学和认知神经科学(Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience)
- 心理学和认知神经科学 (包括年国外)(Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Year Abroad))
- 社会与文化的历史(Social & Cultural History)
- 社会文化史(包括国外)(Social and Cultural History (Including Year Abroad))
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 社会学 (包括预科)(Sociology (Including Foundation Year))
- 社会学 (包括安置年)(Sociology (Including Placement Year))
- 社会学 (国外包括一年)(Sociology (Including Year Abroad))
- 社会学和犯罪学(Sociology and Criminology)
- 社会学和犯罪学 (包括预科)(Sociology and Criminology (including foundation year))
- 社会学和犯罪学 (包括安置年)(Sociology and Criminology (Including Placement Year))
- 社会学和犯罪学 (国外包括一年)(Sociology and Criminology (Including Year Abroad))
- 社会学和管理学(Sociology and Management)
- 社会学和管理 (包括年国外)(Sociology and Management (including year abroad))
- 社会学和政治学(Sociology and Politics)
- 社会学和政治学 (包括安置年)(Sociology and Politics (Including Placement Year))
- 社会学和政治学 (包括年国外)(Sociology and Politics (including year abroad))
- 社会学和社会心理学(Sociology and Social Psychology)
- 社会学和社会心理学 (国外包括一年)(Sociology and Social Psychology (Including Year Abroad))
- 社会学与人权(Sociology with Human Rights)
- 社会学与人权 (包括安置年)(Sociology with Human Rights (Including Placement Year))
- 社会学与人权 (国外包括一年)(Sociology with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad))
- 社会学与社会心理研究(Sociology with Psychosocial Studies)
- 社会学与社会心理研究 (包括安置年)(Sociology with Psychosocial Studies (Including Placement Year))
- 社会学与社会心理研究 (包括年国外)(Sociology with Psychosocial Studies (including year abroad))
- 社会学与社会人类学(Sociology with Social Anthropology)
- 社会学与社会人类学 (包括安置年)(Sociology with Social Anthropology (Including Placement Year))
- 社会学与社会人类学 (国外包括一年)(Sociology with Social Anthropology (Including Year Abroad))
- 西班牙研究与现代语言(Spanish Studies and Modern Languages)
- 西班牙与拉丁美洲研究 (与拉丁美洲一年) 的研究(Spanish Studies with Latin American Studies (with a year in Latin America))
- 西班牙语、 葡萄牙语、 巴西研究中心 (与拉丁美洲一年)(Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (with a year in Latin America))
- 体育与运动科学(Sports & Exercise Science)
- 体育与运动科学 (包括安置年)(Sports and Exercise Science (Including Placement Year))
- 体育与运动科学 (包括年国外)(Sports and Exercise Science (Including Year Abroad))
- 体育疗法(Sports Therapy)
- 体育疗法 (包括安置年)(Sports Therapy (including placement year))
- 体育疗法 (包括年国外)(Sports Therapy (including year abroad))
- 阶段和生产管理(Stage and Production Management)
- 电信工程(Telecommunication Engineering)
- 电信工程 (包括预科)(Telecommunication Engineering (Including Foundation Year))
- 电信工程 (包括安置年)(Telecommunication Engineering (including placement year))
- 电信工程 (国外包括一年)(Telecommunication Engineering (Including Year Abroad))
- 电信工程 (综合硕士)(Telecommunication Engineering (Integrated Masters))
- 剧院艺术 (W410)(Theatre Arts (W410) )
- 治疗的护理(Therapeutic Care)
- 世界表演(World Performance)