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赫尔大学 教育部承认学历
The University of Hull

赫尔大学主校园,位于英国东部约克郡的赫尔市区内,成立于1928年,它是英国第14所成为独立大学的传统国立大学。离伦敦市区约三个多小时火车路程。该校的教学、研究在国际上有很大的影响。该校的环境管理、商务技能等专业领域也令学校引以为豪。赫尔的学者在癌症和骨科研究领域也具有学术界领先地位。其它领域如表面处理工程技术方面的开拓,为英国制造业也起了相当重要的作用。赫尔大学能够提供学生在整个学习过程中所需要的一切设施。在临近的街道上,宿舍楼鳞次栉比,大学主楼包含了主要的教学楼。沿着藏书超过100万册的图书馆,校园拥有值得羡慕的理学楼,英国最大,设备最好的语言中心,高科技实验室和演讲室。研究生楼将所有高学位的学生聚集在一起,全天开放。学校原则上优先为新生提供校内宿舍,还可以帮助学生租住私人公寓。谈到赫尔大学,很多人可能会想到美国电影《毕业生》里面的那首插曲《Scarborough Fair》,赫尔大学两个校区中的其中一个就位于这个英国中北部著名的旅游城市斯卡布罗市。该校与电影界还是比较有缘分的,1996年奥斯卡最佳影片《英国病人》的导演安东尼·明格拉就是该校的毕业生。

录取率:24%;考试成绩: IELTS 总分要求6。
赫尔大学课程设置包括:生物学、商业和管理、经济学、物流、营销、化学、计算机软件开发、计算机科学与游戏开发、流行音乐性别研究人类学心理学、物理、政治与国际关系、应用物理、西班牙语、宗教儿童护理、考古史、英语和美国文学和文化、机械工程、戏剧与表演、网站设计和开发等。英语水平未达要求者,可选修本校英语桥梁课程。 电影渊源。
单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计(Accounting)
- 会计 (国际)(Accounting (International))
- 会计 (有专业经验)(Accounting (with Professional Experience))
- 美国研究 (3 年)(American Studies (3 years))
- 美国研究 (4 年)(American Studies (4 years))
- 美国研究 (含基础年)(American Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 应用的运动科学和保健(Applied Exercise Science for Health)
- 应用的运动科学和保健协会 (含基础年)(Applied Exercise Science for Health (with Foundation Year))
- 应用的运动科学的表演(Applied Sport Science for Performance)
- 应用的运动科学的表演 (含基础年)(Applied Sport Science for Performance (with Foundation Year))
- 生物化学(Biochemistry)
- 生物化学 (工业经验)(Biochemistry (with industrial experience))
- 生物化学基础年(Biochemistry with foundation year)
- 生物化学。(Biochemistry.)
- 生物学(Biology)
- 生物学 (含基础年)(Biology (with foundation year))
- 生物医学工程(Biomedical Engineering)
- 生物医学工程 (工业安置)(Biomedical Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 生物医学工程 (在国外一年)(Biomedical Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 生物医学科学 (含基础年)(Biomedical Science (with foundation year))
- 英国的政治和立法研究 (4 年)(British Politics and Legislative Studies (4 years))
- 商务(Business)
- 商业(国际)(Business (International))
- 企业 (含专业经验)(Business (with Professional Experience))
- 商业和会计(Business and Accounting)
- 商业和会计 (国际)(Business and Accounting (International))
- 商务与会计(有专业工作经验)(Business and Accounting (with Professional Experience))
- 商业和商务经济学(Business and Business Economics)
- 商业和商业经济学 (国际)(Business and Business Economics (International))
- 商务与商务经济学(具有专业经验)(Business and Business Economics (with Professional Experience))
- 商业和金融管理(Business and Financial Management)
- 商业和金融管理 (国际)(Business and Financial Management (International))
- 商业和金融管理 (专业经验)(Business and Financial Management (with Professional Experience))
- 工商管理(Business and Management)
- 工商管理 (国际)(Business and Management (International))
- 工商管理 (含基础年)(Business and Management (with foundation year))
- 工商管理 (专业经验)(Business and Management (with Professional Experience))
- 商务与市场营销(Business and Marketing)
- 商务与市场营销 (国际)(Business and Marketing (International))
- 商务与市场营销 (有专业经验)(Business and Marketing (with Professional Experience))
- 商务和供应链管理(Business and Supply Chain Management)
- 商务与供应链管理(国际)(Business and Supply Chain Management (International))
- 商业和供应链管理(有专业经验)(Business and Supply Chain Management (with Professional Experience))
- 商业经济学(Business Economics)
- 商业经济学 (国际)(Business Economics (International))
- 商业经济学(有专业经验)(Business Economics (with Professional Experience))
- 商务经济与财务管理(Business Economics and Financial Management)
- 商务经济与财务管理 (国际)(Business Economics and Financial Management (International))
- 商务经济与财务管理 (教授经验)(Business Economics and Financial Management (with Prof Experience))
- 商务经济与供应链管理(Business Economics and Supply Chain Management)
- 商务经济与供应链管理 (国际)(Business Economics and Supply Chain Management (International))
- 商务经济与供应链管理 (专业经验)(Business Economics and Supply Chain Management (with Prof Experience))
- 化工与能源工程(Chemical and Energy Engineering)
- 化工与能源工程 (工业安置)(Chemical and Energy Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 化工与能源工程 (在国外一年)(Chemical and Energy Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 化学工程(Chemical Engineering)
- 化学工程 (含基础年)(Chemical Engineering (with foundation year))
- 化学工程 (工业安置)(Chemical Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 化学工程 (在国外一年)(Chemical Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 化学(Chemistry)
- 化学 (法医和分析科学)(Chemistry (Forensic and Analytical Science))
- 化学 (法医和分析科学) 与基础年(Chemistry (Forensic and Analytical Science) with Foundation Year)
- 化学 (法医和分析科学) 与工业经验(Chemistry (Forensic and Analytical Science) with Industrial Experience)
- 化学与基础年(Chemistry with foundation year)
- 化学与工业经验(Chemistry with Industrial Experience)
- 童年的研究(Childhood Studies)
- 儿童间专业研究(Children's Inter-professional Studies)
- 中国和美国的研究(Chinese and American Studies)
- 中文和英文(Chinese and English)
- 中国和电影研究(Chinese and Film Studies)
- 中国和法国(Chinese and French)
- 汉语和德语(Chinese and German)
- 语文和历史(Chinese and History)
- 中文和意大利文(Chinese and Italian)
- 中文和西班牙文(Chinese and Spanish)
- 中国研究(Chinese Studies)
- 中国商务研究(Chinese Studies with Business)
- 中国研究与管理(Chinese Studies with Management)
- 中国研究与市场营销(Chinese Studies with Marketing)
- 中国研究与翻译研究(Chinese Studies with Translation Studies)
- 中文、 政治和国际问题研究(Chinese, Politics and International Studies)
- 组合的语言(Combined Languages)
- 社区和青年工作的研究 (预科)(Community and Youth Work Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机科学 (嵌入式系统)(Computer Science (Embedded Systems))
- 计算机科学 (嵌入式系统) 与基础年(Computer Science (Embedded Systems) with Foundation Year)
- 计算机科学 (嵌入式系统) 与工业经验(Computer Science (Embedded Systems) with Industrial Experience)
- 计算机科学 (嵌入式系统) 与留学(Computer Science (Embedded Systems) with Study Abroad)
- 计算机科学 (软件工程)(Computer Science (Software Engineering))
- 计算机科学 (软件工程) 与基础年(Computer Science (Software Engineering) with Foundation Year)
- 计算机科学 (软件工程) 与工业经验(Computer Science (Software Engineering) with Industrial Experience)
- 计算机科学 (软件工程) 与留学(Computer Science (Software Engineering) with Study Abroad)
- 计算机科学 (含基础年)(Computer Science (with foundation year))
- 游戏开发的计算机科学(Computer Science for Games Development)
- 计算机科学基础年游戏开发(Computer Science for Games Development with Foundation Year)
- 游戏开发与工业经验的计算机科学(Computer Science for Games Development with Industrial Experience)
- 游戏开发与国外研究计算机科学(Computer Science for Games Development with Study Abroad)
- 计算机科学与工业经验(Computer Science with Industrial Experience)
- 计算机科学与留学(Computer Science with Study Abroad)
- 计算机系统工程 (含基础年)(Computer Systems Engineering (with foundation year))
- 计算(Computing)
- 计算基础年(Computing with Foundation Year)
- 有工业经验计算(Computing with Industrial Experience)
- 国外研究与计算(Computing with Study Abroad)
- 控制和仪器仪表工程(Control and Instrumentation Engineering)
- 控制和仪器仪表工程 (有工业经验)(Control and Instrumentation Engineering (with Industrial Experience))
- 控制和仪器仪表工程 (在国外一年)(Control and Instrumentation Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 创意音乐技术(Creative Music Technology)
- 创意写作和美国研究(Creative Writing and American Studies)
- 创意写作和英语(Creative Writing and English)
- 创意写作和电影研究(Creative Writing and Film Studies)
- 创意写作和哲学(Creative Writing and Philosophy)
- 创意写作和宗教(Creative Writing and Religion)
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 犯罪学 (含基础年)(Criminology (with Foundation Year))
- 犯罪学和社会学(Criminology and Sociology)
- 犯罪学和社会学 (含基础年)(Criminology and Sociology (with Foundation Year))
- 犯罪学和法医学(Criminology with Forensic Science)
- 犯罪学与法律(Criminology with Law)
- 犯罪学与心理学(Criminology with Psychology)
- 数字设计(Digital Design)
- 数字设计 (含基础年)(Digital Design (with Foundation Year))
- 戏剧与实践剧场(Drama & Theatre Practice)
- 戏剧 (包括基础英语语言)(Drama (including Foundation English Language))
- 戏剧 (含基础年)(Drama (with Foundation Year))
- 戏剧和英语(Drama and English)
- 戏剧和电影研究(Drama and Film Studies)
- 戏剧和法语(Drama and French)
- 戏剧和德国(Drama and German)
- 戏剧和意大利(Drama and Italian)
- 戏剧和音乐(Drama and Music)
- 戏剧和西班牙文(Drama and Spanish)
- 早期儿童教育和保健 (高级)(Early Childhood Education and Care (Top up))
- 儿童早期研究(Early Childhood Studies)
- 生态与环境(Ecology and Environment)
- 生态与环境 (含基础年)(Ecology and Environment (with foundation year))
- 经济学(Economics)
- 经济学 (国际)(Economics (International))
- 经济学 (有专业经验)(Economics (with Professional Experience))
- 数学与经济学(Economics with Mathematics)
- 经济学与数学 (国际)(Economics with Mathematics (International))
- 经济学与数学 (有专业经验)(Economics with Mathematics (with professional experience))
- 预科教育研究(Education Studies with Foundation Year)
- 与社会包容和特殊需要教育研究(Education Studies with Social Inclusion and Special Needs)
- 教育研究与外语教学(Education Studies with TESOL)
- 教育研究。(Education Studies.)
- 教育、 哲学、 宗教(Education, Philosophy and Religion)
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- 电气和电子工程 (含基础年)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with foundation year))
- 电气与电子工程 (工业安置)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 电气与电子工程 (在国外一年)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 电气、 电子与能源工程(Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering)
- 电气、 电子和能源工程 (工业安置)(Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 电气、 电子和能源工程 (在国外一年)(Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 电子工程(Electronic Engineering)
- 电子工程 (含基础年)(Electronic Engineering (with foundation year))
- 电子工程 (工业安置)(Electronic Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 电子工程 (在国外一年)(Electronic Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 英语(English)
- 英语专业 (含基础年)(English (with Foundation Year))
- 英语和美国文学和文化(English and American Literature and Culture)
- 英语和电影研究(English and Film Studies)
- 英语和历史(English and History)
- 英语和音乐(English and Music)
- 英语和哲学(English and Philosophy)
- 英语和宗教(English and Religion)
- 英语语言与文学(English Language and Literature)
- 英语与艺术的历史(English with History of Art)
- 法律英语(English with Law)
- 电影研究(Film Studies)
- 电影研究 (含基础年)(Film Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 财务管理(Financial Management)
- 财务管理 (国际)(Financial Management (International))
- 财务管理 (有专业经验)(Financial Management (with Professional Experience))
- 财务管理和供应链管理(Financial Management and Supply Chain Management)
- 财务管理和供应链管理 (国际)(Financial Management and Supply Chain Management (International))
- 财务管理和供应链管理 (专业实践)(Financial Management and Supply Chain Management (with Prof Exp))
- 法语(French)
- 法国和美国的研究(French and American Studies)
- 法语和英语(French and English)
- 法国和电影研究(French and Film Studies)
- 法语和德语(French and German)
- 法语和历史(French and History)
- 法语和意大利语(French and Italian)
- 法语和哲学(French and Philosophy)
- 法国和宗教(French and Religion)
- 法文和西班牙文(French and Spanish)
- 法国商业(French with Business)
- 法国与管理(French with Management)
- 法国与市场营销(French with Marketing)
- 法国与翻译研究(French with Translation Studies)
- 游戏和娱乐设计(Game and Entertainment Design)
- 游戏和娱乐设计 (含基础年)(Game and Entertainment Design (with Foundation Year))
- 地理(Geography)
- 地理 (含基础年)(Geography (with Foundation Year))
- 地理 (留学)(Geography (with Study Abroad))
- 地质(Geology)
- 地质 (含基础年)(Geology (with Foundation Year))
- 地质 (留学)(Geology (with Study Abroad))
- 自然地理地质(Geology with Physical Geography)
- 地质与地理 (含基础年)(Geology with Physical Geography (with Foundation Year))
- 地质与地理 (留学)(Geology with Physical Geography (with Study Abroad))
- 德语(German)
- 德国和美国的研究(German and American Studies)
- 德语和英语(German and English)
- 德国和电影研究(German and Film Studies)
- 德国和历史(German and History)
- 德国和意大利(German and Italian)
- 德国和哲学(German and Philosophy)
- 德国和宗教(German and Religion)
- 德语和西班牙语(German and Spanish)
- 德国商业(German with Business)
- 德国人与管理(German with Management)
- 德国人与市场营销(German with Marketing)
- 德国人与翻译研究(German with Translation Studies)
- 医疗科学 (生命科学)(Healthcare Science (Life Science).)
- 西班牙裔美国人研究和宗教(Hispanic Studies and Religion)
- 历史(History)
- 历史 (包括基础英语语言)(History (including Foundation English Language))
- 历史 (含基础年)(History (with Foundation Year))
- 历史和考古学(History and Archaeology)
- 历史和电影研究(History and Film Studies)
- 历史和宗教(History and Religion)
- 经济学历史(History with Economics)
- 人类生物学(Human Biology)
- 人类生物学 (含基础年)(Human Biology (with foundation year))
- 人文地理(Human Geography)
- 人文地理学 (含基础年)(Human Geography (with Foundation Year))
- 人文地理学 (留学)(Human Geography (with Study Abroad))
- 国际商务(International Business)
- 国际商务 (国际)(International Business (International))
- 国际商务 (士嘉堡校区)(International Business (Scarborough campus))
- 国际商务 (专业经验)(International Business (with Professional Experience))
- 国际企业管理 (1 年高级(International Business Management (1 year top up))
- 国际法律(International Law)
- 意大利和美国的研究(Italian and American Studies)
- 意大利语和英语(Italian and English)
- 意大利和电影研究(Italian and Film Studies)
- 意大利和历史(Italian and History)
- 意大利和哲学(Italian and Philosophy)
- 意大利和宗教(Italian and Religion)
- 意大利语和西班牙语(Italian and Spanish)
- 意大利研究 (4 年)(Italian Studies (4 years))
- 意大利商业(Italian with Business)
- 意大利与管理(Italian with Management)
- 意大利与市场营销(Italian with Marketing)
- 意大利与翻译研究(Italian with Translation Studies)
- 法律(Law)
- 法律 (包括基础英语语言)(Law (including Foundation English Language))
- 法学专业 (预科)(Law (with foundation year))
- 法律和立法研究(Law and Legislative Studies)
- 法律高级地位(Law Senior Status)
- 法律和商务(Law with Business)
- 法律与犯罪学(Law with Criminology)
- 法律与哲学(Law with Philosophy)
- 法律与政治(Law with Politics)
- 管理(Management)
- (国际) 管理(Management (International))
- 管理 (有专业经验)(Management (with Professional Experience))
- 管理与核算(Management and Accounting)
- 管理和核算 (国际)(Management and Accounting (International))
- 管理和核算 (专业经验)(Management and Accounting (with Professional Experience))
- 管理和商务(Management and Business)
- 管理和商务 (国际)(Management and Business (International))
- 管理和商务(有专业经验)(Management and Business (with Professional Experience))
- 管理和商务经济学(Management and Business Economics)
- 管理和商务经济学 (国际)(Management and Business Economics (International))
- 管理和商务经济学 (有专业经验)(Management and Business Economics (with Professional Experience))
- 管理和财务管理(Management and Financial Management)
- 管理和财务管理 (国际)(Management and Financial Management (International))
- 管理和财务管理 (有专业经验)(Management and Financial Management (with Professional Experience))
- 管理和市场营销(Management and Marketing)
- 管理和市场营销 (国际)(Management and Marketing (International))
- 管理和市场营销 (专业经验)(Management and Marketing (with Professional Experience))
- 管理和供应链管理(Management and Supply Chain Management)
- 管理和供应链管理 (国际)(Management and Supply Chain Management (International))
- 管理和供应链管理 (有专业经验)(Management and Supply Chain Management (with Professional Experience))
- 海洋生物学(Marine Biology)
- 海洋生物学 (含基础年)(Marine Biology (with foundation year))
- 市场营销(Marketing)
- 市场营销 (国际)(Marketing (International))
- 市场营销 (有专业经验)(Marketing (with Professional Experience))
- 市场营销和会计(Marketing and Accounting)
- 市场营销、 会计 (国际)(Marketing and Accounting (International))
- 市场营销和会计 (有专业经验)(Marketing and Accounting (with Professional Experience))
- 市场营销与商务经济(Marketing and Business Economics)
- 营销与商业经济学(国际)(Marketing and Business Economics (International))
- 市场营销与商务经济 (有专业经验)(Marketing and Business Economics (with Professional Experience))
- 市场营销和财务管理(Marketing and Financial Management)
- 市场营销和财务管理 (国际)(Marketing and Financial Management (International))
- 市场营销和财务管理 (有专业经验)(Marketing and Financial Management (with Professional Experience))
- 市场营销与供应链管理(Marketing and Supply Chain Management)
- 市场营销与供应链管理 (国际)(Marketing and Supply Chain Management (International))
- 市场营销与供应链管理 (有专业经验)(Marketing and Supply Chain Management (with Professional Experience))
- 数学(Mathematics)
- 数学 (含基础年)(Mathematics (with foundation year))
- 数学 (含安置年)(Mathematics (with Placement Year))
- 机械与汽车工程学院(Mechanical and Automotive Engineering)
- 机械与汽车工程学院 (工业安置)(Mechanical and Automotive Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 机械与汽车工程学院 (在国外一年)(Mechanical and Automotive Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 机械与能源工程(Mechanical and Energy Engineering)
- 机械与能源工程 (与工业安置)(Mechanical and Energy Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 机械与能源工程 (在国外一年)(Mechanical and Energy Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 力学与医学工程(Mechanical and Medical Engineering)
- 机械及医学工程工程 (预科)(Mechanical and Medical Engineering (with Foundation Year))
- 机械与医学工程 (工业安置)(Mechanical and Medical Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 机械与医学工程 (在国外一年)(Mechanical and Medical Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)
- 机械工程 (含基础年)(Mechanical Engineering (with foundation year))
- 机械工程 (工业安置)(Mechanical Engineering (with Industrial Placement))
- 机械工程 (在国外一年)(Mechanical Engineering (with Year Abroad))
- 机械工程与制造(Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing)
- 机械工程和制造 (工业安置)(Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (with Industrial Placement))
- 机械工程和制造 (在国外一年)(Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (with Year Abroad))
- 媒体和屏幕研究(Media and Screen Studies)
- 媒体研究 (含基础年)(Media Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 助产(Midwifery)
- 现代语言研究 (3 年)(Modern Language Studies (3 years))
- 现代语言学习 (预科)(Modern Language Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 现代语言 (包括基础英语语言)(Modern Languages (including Foundation English Language))
- 音乐(Music)
- 音乐 (包括基础英语语言)(Music (including Foundation English Language))
- 音乐 (爵士乐)(Music (Jazz))
- 音乐 (流行)(Music (Popular))
- 音乐 (含基础年)(Music (with Foundation Year))
- 音乐和电影研究(Music and Film Studies)
- 音乐和法语(Music and French)
- 音乐和德国(Music and German)
- 音乐和意大利(Music and Italian)
- 音乐和西班牙文(Music and Spanish)
- 音乐和戏剧(Music and Theatre)
- 护理 (成人)(Nursing (Adult))
- 护理 (儿童)(Nursing (Child))
- 护理 (学习障碍)(Nursing (Learning Disability))
- 护理 (精神健康)(Nursing (Mental Health))
- 护理研究(Nursing Studies)
- 经营部实践(Operating Department Practice)
- 哲学(Philosophy)
- 哲学 (包括基础英语语言)(Philosophy (including Foundation English Language))
- 哲学 (含基础年)(Philosophy (with Foundation Year))
- 哲学与美国研究(Philosophy and American Studies)
- 哲学和电影研究(Philosophy and Film Studies)
- 哲学与宗教(Philosophy and Religion)
- 哲学和社会学(Philosophy and Sociology)
- 哲学与创意写作(Philosophy with Creative Writing)
- 哲学与心理学(Philosophy with Psychology)
- 自然地理(Physical Geography)
- 地理 (含基础年)(Physical Geography (with Foundation Year))
- 地理 (留学)(Physical Geography (with Study Abroad))
- 物理(Physics)
- 物理 (含基础年)(Physics (with foundation year))
- 物理 (工业安置)(Physics (with Industrial Placement))
- 物理与天体物理(Physics with Astrophysics)
- 物理与优质旅游服务(Physics with QTS)
- 政治(Politics)
- 政治 (含基础年)(Politics (with foundation year))
- 政治和历史(Politics and History)
- 政治与国际关系(Politics and International Relations)
- 政治和哲学(Politics and Philosophy)
- 政治、 哲学和经济学(Politics, Philosophy and Economics)
- 政治、 哲学和经济学 (包括基础英语语言)(Politics, Philosophy and Economics (including Foundation English Language))
- 政治、 哲学和法律(Politics, Philosophy and Law)
- 政治、 哲学、 法律 (包括基础英语语言)(Politics, Philosophy and Law (including Foundation English Language))
- 小学教学(Primary Teaching)
- 与基础年的小学教学(Primary Teaching with Foundation Year)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 心理学 (含基础年)(Psychology (with foundation year))
- 心理学与犯罪学(Psychology with Criminology)
- 心理学与犯罪学 (含基础年)(Psychology with Criminology (with Foundation Year))
- 宗教与电影研究(Religion and Film Studies)
- 宗教与政治(Religion and Politics)
- 宗教与社会变迁(Religion and Social Change)
- 宗教和社会学(Religion and Sociology)
- 社会人类学和社会学(Social Anthropology and Sociology)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会工作 (硕士研究生)(Social Work (Postgraduate))
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 社会学与人类学与性别研究(Sociology & Anthropology with Gender Studies)
- 社会学 (含基础年)(Sociology (with Foundation Year))
- 西班牙语(Spanish)
- 西班牙和美国的研究(Spanish and American Studies)
- 西班牙语和英语(Spanish and English)
- 西班牙语和电影研究(Spanish and Film Studies)
- 西班牙语和历史(Spanish and History)
- 西班牙语和哲学(Spanish and Philosophy)
- 西班牙商业(Spanish with Business)
- 西班牙人与管理(Spanish with Management)
- 西班牙人与市场营销(Spanish with Marketing)
- 西班牙人与翻译研究(Spanish with Translation Studies)
- 体育和运动营养(Sport and Exercise Nutrition)
- 体育和运动营养 (含基础年)(Sport and Exercise Nutrition (with Foundation Year))
- 体育康复(Sport Rehabilitation)
- 体育康复 (预科)(Sport Rehabilitation (with Foundation Year))
- 体育教练和表演科学(Sports Coaching and Performance Science)
- 体育教练和表演科学 (含基础年)(Sports Coaching and Performance Science (with Foundation Year))
- 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)
- 供应链管理 (国际)(Supply Chain Management (International))
- 供应链管理 (有专业经验)(Supply Chain Management (with Professional Experience))
- 理论物理(Theoretical Physics)
- 两种现代语言与商务(Two Modern Languages with Business)
- 两种现代语言与管理(Two Modern Languages with Management)
- 两种现代语言与市场营销(Two Modern Languages with Marketing)
- 两种现代语言与翻译研(Two Modern Languages with Translation Studies)
- 战争与安全研究(War and Security Studies)
- 青年工作和社区发展(Youth Work and Community Development)
- 动物学(Zoology)
- 动物学 (含基础年)(Zoology (with foundation year))


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