单科目(Single subjects)
- 3D 设计(3D Design)
- 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
- 表演(Acting)
- 演员培训为剧院和媒体表演(Actor Training for Theatre and Media Performance)
- 高级的心理学(Advanced Psychology)
- 动物行为与福利(Animal Behaviour and Welfare)
- 保护动物科学(Animal Conservation Science)
- 应用的地质(Applied Geology)
- 建筑工程(Architectural Engineering)
- 建筑技术与环境(Architectural Technology and the Environment)
- 体系结构(Architecture)
- 艺术史(Art History)
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences)
- 生物科学与基础年(Biological Sciences with Foundation Year)
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Sciences)
- 生物科学(Biosciences)
- 建筑测量和环境(Building Surveying and the Environment)
- 商务(Business)
- 商业经济学(Business Economics)
- 企业和企业家精神 (2 年金融时报 》)(Business Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (2 year FT))
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 化学(Chemistry)
- 化学与基础年(Chemistry with Foundation Year)
- 民间和沿海工程(Civil and Coastal Engineering)
- 土建工程(Civil Engineering)
- 土木工程与基础年(Civil Engineering with Foundation Year)
- 计算机与信息安全(Computer and Information Security)
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机系统和网络(Computer Systems and Networks)
- 计算(Computing)
- 计算基础年(Computing with Foundation Year)
- 保护生物学(Conservation Biology)
- 建设管理和环境(Construction Management and the Environment)
- 当代摄影实践(Contemporary Photography Practice)
- 创意艺术管理(Creative Arts Management)
- 犯罪学和刑事司法研究(Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies)
- 游船管理(Cruise Management)
- 舞蹈剧场(Dance Theatre)
- 数据建模和分析(Data Modelling and Analytics)
- 牙科手术(Dental Surgery)
- 牙科治疗与卫生(Dental Therapy & Hygiene)
- 营养学(Dietetics)
- 数字艺术与技术(Digital Art and Technology)
- 儿童早期研究(Early Childhood Studies)
- 经济学(Economics)
- 与政治经济学(Economics with Politics)
- 教育研究(Education Studies)
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- 电气与电子工程与基础年(Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year)
- 电子音乐(Electronic Music)
- 英语(English)
- 英语和创造性写作(English and Creative Writing)
- 英语和法语(English with French)
- 英语历史(English with History)
- 英语与出版(English with Publishing)
- 英语与西班牙语(English with Spanish)
- 环境生物技术(Environmental Biotechnology)
- 环境科学(Environmental Science)
- 环境科学与基础年(Environmental Sciences with Foundation Year)
- 事件管理(Events Management)
- 扩展的科学 (以 0 年)(Extended Science (with Year 0))
- 金融经济学(Financial Economics)
- 美术(Fine Art)
- 精美的艺术与艺术史研究所(Fine Art and Art History)
- 地理(Geography)
- 地理与国际关系(Geography with International Relations)
- 地理与海洋科学(Geography with Ocean Science)
- 地质(Geology)
- 地质与海洋科学(Geology with Ocean Science)
- 地球科学与基础年(Geosciences with Foundation Year)
- 图形通信与排版(Graphic Communication with Typography)
- 健康与社会保健(Health & Social Care)
- 健康与健身(Health and Fitness)
- 医疗科学 (生命科学)(Healthcare Science (Life Sciences))
- 医疗科学 (生理科学)(Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences))
- 历史(History)
- 英语的历史(History with English)
- 历史与国际关系(History with International Relations)
- 历史与政治(History with Politics)
- 酒店管理(Hospitality Management)
- 酒店、 旅游和事件管理(Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management)
- 人类生物科学(Human Biosciences)
- 插图(Illustration)
- 国际商务(International Business)
- 国际商务经济学(International Business Economics)
- 国际商务与法语(International Business with French)
- 国际商务与西班牙(International Business with Spanish)
- 国际金融(International Finance)
- 国际历史(International History)
- 国际酒店管理(International Hospitality Management)
- 国际管理(International Management)
- 国际关系(International Relations)
- 法国国际关系(International Relations with French)
- 国际关系与法律(International Relations with Law)
- 政治与国际关系(International Relations with Politics)
- 国际关系与心理学(International Relations with Psychology)
- 西班牙国际关系(International Relations with Spanish)
- 国际供应链和航运管理(International Supply Chain and Shipping Management)
- 国际旅游管理(International Tourism Management)
- 国际贸易和业务管理(International Trade and Operations Management)
- 互联网的设计(Internet Design)
- 法律(Law)
- 法律和商务(Law with Business)
- 法律与犯罪学和刑事司法研究(Law with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies)
- 管理、 政府和法律基础年(Management, Government and Law Foundation Year)
- 海洋和复合材料技术(Marine and Composites Technology)
- 海洋生物学(Marine Biology)
- 海洋生物学和沿海生态(Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology)
- 海洋生物学和海洋学(Marine Biology and Oceanography)
- 海洋生物学与基础年(Marine Biology with Foundation Year)
- 海洋技术(Marine Technology)
- 海运业务和物流(Maritime Business and Logistics)
- 海运业务和海事法(Maritime Business and Maritime Law)
- 海上运输和物流(Maritime Transport and Logistics)
- 市场营销(Marketing)
- 数学(Mathematics)
- 数学与统计(Mathematics and Statistics)
- 数学与统计基础年(Mathematics and Statistics with Foundation Year)
- 数学与教育(Mathematics with Education)
- 数学与金融(Mathematics with Finance)
- 与高性能计算的数学(Mathematics with High Performance Computing)
- 数学与理论物理学(Mathematics with Theoretical Physics)
- 机械设计与制造(Mechanical Design and Manufacture)
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)
- 机械工程与复合材料(Mechanical Engineering with Composites)
- 机械工程与基础年(Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year)
- 媒体艺术(Media Arts)
- 内科和外科(Medicine and Surgery)
- 助产 (预登记)(Midwifery (Pre-Registration))
- 音乐(Music)
- 导航和海洋科学(Navigation and Maritime Science)
- 护理 (成人) (B740)(Nursing (Adult) (B740) )
- 护理 (儿童保健)(Nursing (Child Health))
- 护理 (精神健康)(Nursing (Mental Health))
- 营养锻炼与健康(Nutrition Exercise and Health)
- 职业疗法(Occupational Therapy)
- 职业疗法 (预登记)(Occupational Therapy (Pre-registration))
- 海洋勘探和测量(Ocean Exploration and Surveying)
- 海洋科学(Ocean Science)
- 海洋科学和海洋环境保护(Ocean Science and Marine Conservation)
- 海洋和沿海的进程(Oceanography and Coastal Processes)
- 验光(Optometry)
- 户外休闲管理(Outdoor Leisure Management)
- 护理人员执业(Paramedic Practitioner)
- 摄影(Photography)
- 自然地理和地质(Physical Geography and Geology)
- 理疗(Physiotherapy)
- 足疗(Podiatry)
- 警察和刑事司法研究(Police and Criminal Justice Studies)
- 政治与犯罪学和刑事司法研究(Politics with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies)
- 法国的政治(Politics with French)
- 政治与历史(Politics with History)
- 政治与国际关系(Politics with International Relations)
- 政治与法律(Politics with Law)
- 政治与西班牙语(Politics with Spanish)
- 小学 (艺术与设计)(Primary (Art and Design))
- 初级 (计算和信息和通信技术)(Primary (Computing and ICT))
- 小学 (幼儿教育研究)(Primary (Early Childhood Studies))
- 小学 (英语)(Primary (English))
- 小学 (人文)(Primary (Humanities))
- 小学 (数学)(Primary (Mathematics))
- 小学 (音乐)(Primary (Music))
- 小学 (体育教育)(Primary (Physical Education))
- 小学 (科学)(Primary (Science))
- 小学 (特殊教育)(Primary (Special Educational Needs))
- 心理研究(Psychological Studies)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 心理学与犯罪学和刑事司法研究(Psychology with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies)
- 心理学与人类生物学(Psychology with Human Biology)
- 心理学与社会学(Psychology with Sociology)
- 公共服务(Public Services)
- 公共服务 (治安)(Public Services (Policing))
- 机器人工程与基础年(Robotic Engineering with Foundation Year)
- 机器人技术(Robotics)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会工作 (研究生条目)(Social Work (Postgraduate Entry))
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 运动;教练,健康和健身(Sport; Coaching, Health and Fitness)
- 戏剧与表演(Theatre & Performance)
- 旅游与酒店管理(Tourism and Hospitality Management)
- 旅游管理(Tourism Management)
- 电视艺术(TV Arts)