单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计 (004N)(Accounting (004N) )
- 会计 (104N)(Accounting (104N) )
- 会计与金融 (N430)(Accounting and Finance (N430) )
- 动作和表演(Acting and Performance)
- 冒险表演和教练(Adventure Performance and Coaching)
- 探险旅游管理(Adventure Tourism Management)
- 农业(Agriculture)
- 飞机工程(Aircraft Engineering)
- 飞机工程与航空运输业务(Aircraft Engineering and Air Transport Operations)
- 应用的音乐 (W301)(Applied Music (W301) )
- 应用科学 (C902)(Applied Science (C902) )
- 场内与城市林业(Arboriculture & Urban Forestry)
- 考古学 (V400)(Archaeology (V400) )
- 建筑技术(Architectural Technology)
- 音频工程(Audio Engineering)
- 美容疗法 (013B)(Beauty Therapy (013B) )
- 美容疗法 (113B)(Beauty Therapy (113B) )
- 商务(001N)(Business (001N) )
- 商务(101N)(Business (101N) )
- 儿童与青年研究 (L530)(Child & Youth Studies (L530) )
- 土建工程(Civil Engineering)
- 辅助疗法(Complementary Therapies)
- 计算机辅助制图与设计 (161 H)(Computer Aided Draughting & Design (161H) )
- 计算机科学 (001I)(Computer Science (001I) )
- 计算 (304 G)(Computing (304G) )
- 计算 (G400)(Computing (G400) )
- 施工管理 (252 K)(Construction Management (252K) )
- 当代艺术实践 (209W)(Contemporary Art Practice (209W) )
- 当代纺织品(Contemporary Textiles)
- 在业务中的工艺设计(Craft Design in Business)
- Cursa Comais (密集盖尔语-中间体) (Q532)(Cursa Comais (Intensive Gaelic - Intermediate) (Q532) )
- 戏剧和表演(Drama and Performance)
- 早期教育和儿童保育 (013 X)(Early Education and Childcare (013X) )
- 电气与电子工程 (H601)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering (H601) )
- 能源工程 (H801)(Energy Engineering (H801) )
- 工程系统 (056 H)(Engineering Systems (056H) )
- 工程系统 (356 H)(Engineering Systems (356H) )
- 环境科学 (f900 全)(Environmental Science (F900) )
- 马科研究(Equine Studies)
- 事件(Events)
- 事件 (128N)(Events (128N) )
- 事件管理 (N820)(Events Management (N820) )
- 制造、 焊接和检验 (107 H)(Fabrication, Welding and Inspection (107H) )
- 美术 (W100)(Fine Art (W100) )
- 美术纺织品 (WW12)(Fine Art Textiles (WW12) )
- 健身、 健康与运动 (206 C)(Fitness, Health & Exercise (206C) )
- 健身、 健康和运动 (006 C)(Fitness, Health and Exercise (006C) )
- 林业(Forestry)
- 盖尔语和发展 (Q505)(Gaelic and Development (Q505) )
- 盖尔人的语言与文化 (Q530)(Gaelic Language & Culture (Q530) )
- 盖尔苏格兰 (Q538)(Gaelic Scotland (Q538) )
- 地理 (F820)(Geography (F820) )
- 高尔夫管理(Golf Management)
- 健康研究 (L450)(Health Studies (L450) )
- 历史 (V210)(History (V210) )
- 历史和政治 (VL12)(History and Politics (VL12) )
- 历史和神学 (VV06)(History and Theology (VV06) )
- 酒店 (522N)(Hospitality (522N) )
- 酒店管理(Hospitality Management)
- 酒店管理 (NN28)(Hospitality Management (NN28) )
- 互动媒体(Interactive Media)
- 互动媒体 (154 G)(Interactive Media (154G) )
- 休闲度假村管理 (N832)(Leisure Resort Management (N832) )
- 文学 (Q320)(Literature (Q320) )
- 海洋和沿海旅游(Marine and Coastal Tourism)
- 海洋工程(Marine Engineering)
- 海洋科学(Marine Science)
- 机械工程 (H301)(Mechanical Engineering (H301) )
- 音乐 (103W)(Music (103W) )
- 音乐商务(Music Business)
- 航海科学(Nautical Science)
- 口腔健康科学 (B750)(Oral Health Science (B750) )
- 哲学、 政治学和经济学 (VL52)(Philosophy, Politics and Economics (VL52) )
- 流行音乐(Popular Music)
- 电力工程系统(Power Engineering Systems)
- 小学教学 (英语) (X 100)(Primary Teaching (English Speakers) (X100) )
- 小学教学 (盖尔语扬声器) (X 103)(Primary Teaching (Gaelic Speakers) (X103) )
- 专业烹饪 (122N)(Professional Cookery (122N) )
- 专业烹饪 (622N)(Professional Cookery (622N) )
- 职业高尔夫(Professional Golf)
- 心理学 (C800)(Psychology (C800) )
- 工料测量(Quantity Surveying)
- 苏格兰文化研究 (V900)(Scottish Cultural Studies (V900) )
- 苏格兰的文化研究和考古学 (V9V4)(Scottish Cultural Studies and Archaeology (V9V4) )
- 苏格兰的文化研究和苏格兰历史 (V9V2)(Scottish Cultural Studies and Scottish History (V9V2) )
- 苏格兰盖尔语的研究 (V9Q5) 的文化研究(Scottish Cultural Studies with Gaelic Studies (V9Q5) )
- 苏格兰历史 (V212)(Scottish History (V212) )
- 苏格兰的历史与考古 (VV24)(Scottish History and Archaeology (VV24) )
- 苏格兰的历史和文学 (VQ23)(Scottish History and Literature (VQ23) )
- 苏格兰的历史和政治 (VL22)(Scottish History and Politics (VL22) )
- 苏格兰的历史和神学 (VV26)(Scottish History and Theology (VV26) )
- 苏格兰盖尔语研究 (V2Q5) 与历史(Scottish History with Gaelic Studies (V2Q5) )
- 社会科学 (143 L)(Social Sciences (143L) )
- 社会科学 (L300)(Social Sciences (L300) )
- 社会服务 (045 L)(Social Services (045L) )
- 社会学和犯罪学 (LM39)(Sociology and Criminology (LM39) )
- 社会学和政治学 (L380)(Sociology and Politics (L380) )
- 完善的生产 (316W)(Sound Production (316W) )
- 体育和健身 (C600)(Sport and Fitness (C600) )
- 体育管理 (C6N2)(Sports Management (C6N2) )
- 可持续发展 (D453)(Sustainable Development (D453) )
- 可持续森林管理(Sustainable Forest Management)
- 神学研究 (V600)(Theological Studies (V600) )
- 视觉通讯 (312W)(Visual Communications (312W) )
- 视觉通讯 (712W)(Visual Communications (712W) )
- 视觉设计和通信 (W213)(Visual Design and Communication (W213) )